Horse Welfare
Welcome to the Horse Welfare Hub here on FEI Campus!
The success of equestrian sport depends on the welfare of its horses.
As the sole controlling authority for all international events in Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage, Eventing, Driving, Para Driving, Vaulting and Endurance the FEI has a duty to ensure high standards of welfare for its competition horses.
Fully committed to championing and preserving the welfare of horses, the FEI has put in place regulations to safeguard its equine partners in their sporting pursuits. In addition to a code of conduct for the welfare of the horse, there are also well defined values which underpin the sport.
But the FEI also recognises that ensuring the welfare of competition horses requires regular review, analysis and the ability to react quickly to any changes to the status quo.
This is why the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission was created in June 2022, with members selected for their expertise in equine welfare, equitation science, ethics, education and public affairs. The FEI wanted to have an external perspective that can establish and look at all the different concerns – from the public and the community’s perspective - and address them for what they are.
If Horse Welfare requires leadership, it also needs a strong commitment from each and every stakeholder in the equestrian community. Anyone involved with horses must be aware of the responsibility they have for Horse Welfare, and take every opportunity possible to inform and educate themselves.
This is why the Horse Welfare Hub was created with the express purpose of facilitating access to the educational material available on this subject. This Hub centralises all related courses on Horse Welfare, with Spanish translations also available where possible.
We invite you to explore the knowledge provided in this Hub and encourage you to put it into practice. Feel free to give us feedback on this content , so that together we can work on ways to improve Horse Welfare globally.
this video, FEI President Ingmar De Vos and Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez
explain what horse welfare really means to us and to our sport.