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An asymmetric three beat gait that can be performed at a variety of speeds, but is usually faster than a trot and slower than a gallop. As it is an asymmetricgait it can be performed in 2 mirrored footfall patterns. A hind limb is followed by the diagonal pair of limbs moving synchronously (2nd hindlimb and trailing forelimb) and finally the leading forelimb. This sequence is always followed by a period of suspension. A right lead canter therefore has the footfall pattern left hind > right hind and left fore > right fore; the left lead canter right hind > left hind and right fore > left fore. At very slow speeds (a high degree of collection), the diagonal pair may separate creating a 4 beat pattern.
Translations :
- canter, m
- petit galop, m
Galop à trois temps.
- Kanter, m
3-Takt Galopp
- piccolo galoppo, m
- galope medio, m
- mig galop, m
- handgalop
- arbejdsgalop
- galop
- arbetsgalopp
- canter