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perioplic band
A ring like prominence forming the upper edge of the hoof capsule. The horn is relatively soft and when wet, is becomes paler in colour and even softer in consistency. In effect, it represents the proximal portion of the stratum externum of the hoof wall (the periople) so it may also be known as the perioplic band.
Translations :
- périople, m
- stratum externum, m
Structure cornée superficielle sur le bord proximal de la paroi. Perméable, son apparence varie considérablement en fonction du taux d'humidité de son environnement. Elle tend à réguler le degré hygrométrique de la corne pariétale. Elle est produite par le chorion périodique (chorion limbique).
- benda perioplica, f
- cercine perioplico, m
- banda coronaria, f
- corona, f
- banda coronària, f
- corona, f
- hoornzoom, m
- kronbælte
- kronband
- obruba, f
tread injury
A wound anywhere on the coronary band, most frequently caused by interference with other limbs: A typical cause is an overreach injury where a hind foot catches and injures the coronary band or heel bulbs in the palmar region of the fore foot. Injury of the medial portion of the coronary band can be caused by a contralaterallimb, and injury to the lateral portion of the coronary band is most often a result of interaction with another horse. Other causes of injury to the coronary band include knuckling over or hitting the region on a solid object such as a jump.
Translations :
- atteinte en couronne, f
- blessure de la couronne, f
Blessure en région coronaire due à un coup de pied: Le cheval peut se blesser au niveau du bourrelet périoplique ou des glomes lorsqu'il y a interférence entre les membres. Mais les blessures peuvent avoir d'autres origines (bouleture, traumatisme lors d'un saut d'obstacles).
- lesione in corona d'origine traumatica, f
- lesione in corona dovuta ad un calpestamento, f
- laceración de la corona, f
- laceració de la corona, f
- kroonbetrapping, w
- skade i kronrand/kronbælte
- kronrandsskada
- zášlap, m