
Foundation Course for Vaulting Officials (2024)

This course presents the core concepts of Vaulting and is the stepping stone for all Officials who wish to further advance as an FEI Vaulting Official. It provides a detailed overview of all roles in Vaulting and their important aspects. Officials will understand how it is all linked together in the sport and the FEI. The course is not only meant for Officials, but to anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of Vaulting.

How does the course work?

What you will learn

This course will help you to:

  • Understand the core concepts of Vaulting and its place within the FEI
  • Understand the roles of Vaulting Officials and their Education System
  • Become acquainted with FEI Standards across the discipline
  • Gain the knowledge to assist during a competition
  • Obtain the necessary knowledge to further progress as an FEI Vaulting Official

Course format
