
Eventing webinar - Fence Judge Function

This webinar course has been created to help Officials and Eventing enthusiasts getting a deeper understanding of the Fence Judge function during the Cross Country Test.

Mrs Philine Ganders-Meyer, FEI Level 3 Eventing Steward and Member of the Eventing Committee, will be your host.

Course main topic & objectives
This programme provides you with some key information related to fence judging, and will help you to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Better preparation if you are appointed as such
  • Better understanding of what is expected from a fence judge
  • A clear “check-list” on the must-dos

Target audience
Eventing Officials and anybody interested to get a better understanding of the important different functions during a Cross Country test.

How does the course work?

Online Course NO certification

10 min
Online learning

What you will learn

The video details:

  • The Fence Judge preparation prior the start of the Competition
  • What are the must dos during the Cross Country Test

Course format



Philine Ganders-Meyer